The florist, Forever Green have hand delivered us a new bou-cake to apologise. Genuinely impressed by how quick they were to sort everything out and give us a personal phone call. This is what pure cake fuelled happiness looks like:


It’s Valentine’s Day and my husband did get the hint. However, we’ve sadly both been left rather disappointed. After paying a grand total of £45 to include a special courier delivery, I’ve been sent roses which are already dying, squished up cakes crumbled at the bottom of the box and an all round mess. Should have saved our pennies on a fresh bouquet of roses and stuck the cakes on ourselves! In all fairness, the florist have refunded us the money immediately – but irrespective of the cakes falling off in transit… why are the roses old?!


I think Mr Kipling could put Interflora out of business this Valentine’s Day as they’ve created a spectacular bouquet straight out of a dream. How can you make flowers better? ADD CAKE. Lots of it!

I’m not going to hide the fact that I’m secretly using this blog post as a massive hint for my husband.

This limited edition, hand crafted bou-cake is the perfect way to say ‘I Love You’ but I want to know why this is a Valentine’s only special? It should be available all year round, damnit! Not just for Valentine’s day, I see this bou-cake being a hit for Mother’s day, Father’s day… all the days. It is a fact that cake improves everything by tenfold.

Partnering with Mr Kipling, this work of art was created by Forever Green who’ve given it a lot of detail and a hand-tied finish. It contains:

  • 20 Aqua and Celeb pink roses
  • ‘Batting my lashes at you’ Mini Battenburgs
  • ‘Love you cherry much’ Cherry Bakewells’
  • ‘Fancy a Kiss Fondest Fancies.’

Every order will also receive a box of Mr Kipling Special Edition Valentine’s Day Cakes.

Get your hands on one ASAP as I have a feeling they will be in hot demand! It costs £30 and you can order from here

(cough, hint, cough).